Tuesday, 5 July 2011

Hakuna Matata and To Do Lists

The lockers are empty, report cards are printed and the hallways are eerily quiet yet with only 11 days to go until our epic adventure, there is still much work to be done.   The days leading up to the end of every school year are spent honouring retirees, saying goodbye to graduates and making plans for the next school year; coupled with all of the usual activities,  this year our school faced a number of tragic events in the last two months of school including the shocking death of a Pen High student on the last day of classes. Through it all, the 22 students travelling to Tanzania needed to stay focussed on what they had committed to almost a year ago.  With fundraising still to be done, meetings to attend and final preparations to take on, the Tanzania bound students did not disappoint.
I am constantly struck by the amazing nature of the young people I am travelling with and the impact they have had on our community and will have on our host community.  They have collected toothbrushes, soccer jerseys and school supplies.  They have been immunized, culturized and travel wised.  Jambo, asante sana and karibu are part of their Swahili vocabulary, yet I wonder if they are truly prepared for what is about to unfold.  I have many questions percolating through my head that wake me at 3:00am...How will the construction work unfold?  Will the kids stay healthy?  How will their world view change as a result of the trip?  How will they ever say goodbye to the beautiful children we are going there to help?  Will this trip be the amazing experience for them I hope it will be?  Am I out of my mind?!!
As daylight breaks these big questions fade and the 'must do' list comes into sharper focus...malaria pills, ducarol, money, first aid kit, parent questions and packing.  It is the attention to these details that will ensure those bigger 3:00am questions will be answered in a very positive way.  So I take a big breath, look at the calendar and attack the list for today.  Hakuna Matata!


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