Tuesday, 19 July 2011

All In a Day of Travel.

Whether you slept or watched movies, everyone is drained. Many of us haven’t traveled that long before, through that many different time zones, but we made it safe and sound.This is what we have been waiting for for the better part of a year, through the fundraisers, lunchtime meetings and group activities, we finally get the reward. 
After the trip with my family last year, when my mom told us that she was going to bring a group of students this summer, I was all for it. After being changed by the kids at Camp Moses and had a blast with the kids at Camp Joshua, I knew I had to come back. I knew there were going to be differences, whether positive or negative, from the first trip to this one.

As the year progressed, back at home we received both positive and negative news from Tanzania. From one of my sisters friends passing away from malaria, to having Esther getting surgery to fix her legs we were constantly being updated by news here. But with every news update they had for us, we had one for Mama Wambura. We had different updates about fundraisers and our trip, all of which excited her and the kids to our arrival. As the days grew closer, the kids at Camp Moses were counting down, keeping track of how long until the “Mzungus” arrived.

Sitting here at Basecamp, it hasn’t really set in that I’m back. It hasn’t set in that I’m a matter of a few blocks from the kids I haven’t stopped thinking about for a year. It hasn’t set in that I get to share this experience with 22 of my classmates. But I’m ready for it to set in, and for the best 3 weeks of our lives to start.

-Layne Richardson
Hakuna Matata


  1. Can't wait to hear more!! BIG HUGS to everyone :)

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